Thursday, November 19, 2009

He Wears Many Hats...

Connor loves...and I mean loooves hats. Big hats, little hats, soft hats, hard hats. Even things that aren't hats, he will turn them into hats. He is always walking around with something on top of his head. Bottle caps and plastic lids seem to be a recurring favorite. The funny part about it is, the "hats" actually stay put. He can go about his normal, day-to-day activities with random crap resting on his head. It's like having my very own Stupid Human Tricks show everyday.



Chels said...

That picture is precious! I can't wait(in a hoping that time won't pass any quicker than it is- sort of way) for Oliver to start doing funny things like that.

dondi said...

that is histerical !!!