Wednesday, May 26, 2010

If You Can Get Over...

the stifling, sweat-inducing, overwhelming heat...there is no better time than summer!! I am looking forward to artichokes, the smell of coconut tanning oil, and backyard BBQ's. Ahhh...the life. And it officially starts tomorrow at 12:00 p.m. No more homework, no more dragging our rear-ends out of bed at 7:00 in the's all fun and play for three months...for my kids at least.

Since the job market for teachers is in a slump I am going to continue going to school for my M.Ed. I only lack four classes. I figure I might as well make good use of my time while I have it. And summer school is the best way to knock out a class in just a few, short weeks.

But in my free time I have discovered a wonderful new obsession...
thePioneerWoman! I've known about her for a long time, but never took the time to really understand who she is til last weekend. She is a one-woman show. She can cook, work a camera, and homeschool her four kids like no one's business. And I admit I'm a little jealous of her awesome ranch! I am now a proud owner of her cookbook, and can't wait for her book and movie to come out!!

Other goings-on...

I am officially on a diet/lifestyle change/tortuous journey. I thought my student teaching schedule would certainly help me to lose weight. I was wrong. But after being told by my grandmother (god love her...she means well...I think) that I looked like I was pregnant with twins...and my backside was broad...and that I USED to have the cutest figure, I figured I would lose weight just so I didn't have to endure her comments anymore! I have lost 3 pounds and am still feeling motivated!

Last week were the end of school parties at Honey. Here are a couple pics of the girls having fun!

Kindergarten hired a D.J., smoked hot dogs, and played games.


Third grade started their party off with tug-o-war...

and ended it with a dance off.

1 comment:

brandi said...

Congrats on the loss! We can do this!!! I can't wait to hear more about your efforts!

Oh, and I love Pioneer Woman! I want to be her when I grow up! :)