Monday, August 9, 2010

It's All Coming Back to Me...Except Now I'm Getting Paid

Holy Moses! Overwhelmed doesn't begin to describe how I felt today. All the feelings I experienced during student teaching came flooding back...x10. It's not a bad thing, it will just take some time to get used to. I admit, not being able to be a part of Taylor and Averi's classes is tough. And Connor will be starting KDO, which I won't be there for either. thus is the life of a working mom. But mama will be getting a paycheck (not to mention all the perks/holidays that come with teaching)!!

So to deal with the added pressure, I have acquired some coping mechanisms. One of which is a mad woman. It feels so good to focus all my energy on something other than work.

As tough as it is starting out, I know this is exactly where I'm supposed to be. I feel sooo inceredibly thankful, excited, blessed to have this job! Now it's time to get in a routine!

Oh...and my name is outside the class now!!! Can't wait to meet all of my kiddos;) Notice the mountain of paper I am holding? That is Math Lesson #1. Just tryin' to keep it green...ha!



mylittlestitch said...

Hi Amanda,

I found your site, by accident and I enjoyed reading your blog and your 3 darlings.

I am in the education line too but dealing with young people. I am glad that you have found a job you like. I am sure you will enjoy sharing your fun with the kiddos.

Your site really inspires me. I have a blog come and visit.

I will be linking your blog to mine. :)

Anonymous said...

your room is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like you spent your first 2 paychecks. haha Hope it is running smoother this week than the first. I know my head was spinning that first week. Keep in touch.

Carol young