Sunday, May 3, 2009

Coupon Kick...

We were hanging out with our friends Seth and Stacy last night when she started telling me about her new "hobby" and asked if we wanted to see all the stuff she has been getting for free. We followed her to a closet where there was an entire shelf full of toothpaste, deodorant, toilet paper, razors, shaving gel, etc...and she got it all for FREE.

She said that back in March she started using coupons as well as researching different companies and their coupon policies and special offers (CVS, Target, Wal-Mart). She knows all of these tricks and secrets on how to get a lot for very little. She brought out a three ring binder full of coupons that she has organized, and began to tell me all of these amazing stories of how she spends little to no money and gets sacks full of stuff.

She said on one at occasion at CVS after using her CVS bucks and other coupons, the store ended up owing her money. And you know the baby wipe refill packs? One is around $6.99. Well Stacy, the coupon genius, got 6 of those for 59 cents. Oh, she also got a gallon of milk for 2 cents! Seriously, people!

I told her to blog about it and share the wealth with the rest of us (hopefully she will)! So check her blog to see what advice she has. I am off to save money!!


Kristi said...

A friend of mine has been doing the same thing and she has the same binder thing. It is facinating thats for sure! Find out how it works and share it with me!!!

Stacy said...

Okay...So I finally blogged about it. Thanks for showing me the link thingy, who knew it was so easy :)

Denae said...

I tried this about a year ago, but it takes some dedication so I only lasted a few weeks. I would like to try again...let us know how it goes for you.

Davis Family said...

Wow! I need to check that out....if you can manage to do it on your already full plate I might be able to...let me know how it goes for you! I can only imagine how much money I might've saved on baby wipes!