I didn't think it was anything other than a cold or teething.
He just wasn't feeling/acting like his normal self, so today we went to the doctor. I always hesitate to go when there isn't a fever - because it usually ends up being nothing, and I feel stupid. But today I didn't care - and I'm glad. The poor kid has a double ear infection.
She took one look and said "Whoa! Yeah, he needed to be seen." Dang, I felt bad...but I never noticed him grabbing his ears or anything. I should be better at this - he is the 3rd child!
And tonight this happened...
Of course, she had to call Granna, Gramps, Dondi, Poppi, and Nana as soon as it happened. I guess the Tooth Fairy will be making a visit to our house tonight!
She's getting big quick. Hope Connor gets to feeling better. I'll be in Lubbock February 10-16. Can't wait to see all you guys. See you then.
Poor Connor! I hope he is feeling better!
Sure hope the tooth fairy was in a generous mood when she stopped by Taylor's house!
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