Wednesday, August 6, 2008

17 Months...



Today our precious baby boy turns 17 months old. I can't believe he is almost a year and a half. He is learning so much so fast. Here is what he is up to:

  • Connor is pulling up on any and everything. Once he gets up he realizes he can't get down - at least he thinks he can't. He will cry for me to come help him. I love walking into his room to find him standing up in his crib - his little head barely peeking above the bars. It is sweetness:)
  • He is learning how to walk! For a loong time he wouldn't even use his legs. They were like wet noodles.
  • He absolutely loves playing with his belly button. He'll lift his shirt up, find his button, and go to town. Totally cracks me up. The other day I put a onesie on him and he was a little irritated he couldn't mess with it.
  • He says "mama" all the time. It just thrills me to hear that come out of his mouth.
  • He is way into playing ball. If he sees one he says "bah??????????" We find him throwing with his left hand pretty consistently.
  • One of our new favorite things is bringing Connor to bed with us for some serious cuddle time. I look forward to it every night. After we've played and laughed he will lay real still while we rub his head and back. When we ask him "You wanna go night-night?" he shakes his head no. If I am taking him to his bed he will lay on my shoulder and give me a big hug. Well how am I supposed to resist that? It usually buys him a few more minutes of freedom!:) He has figured us out - and we are suckers!


Davis Family said...

I love that picture, looks like he is laughing, such a precious moment captured forever! I'm with you I love cuddle time! ...they won't always want to cuddle us ;(

Kristi said...

He is getting so big so fast! Him and Logan were playing so well at nanas house the other night. So cute!

Christi said...

He is precious. I love how little boys just love to cuddle. I miss that, my little boy isn't so little anymore, and trust me, he doesn't want to cuddle!