Friday, May 16, 2008

Field Day...

WOW! It's hard to believe that in less than 2 weeks school will be out! And even harder to believe that Tay will be out of 1st and into 2nd grade. We all are getting that end-of-year bug! Who wants to be in a classroom when it is so nice outside?
With activities, parties and warmer weather - summer break is definitely in the air:)
Today was Field Day at Taylor's school. It was so fun...until Taylor slammed face first into the concrete. She busted her lip and cut her chin. But she was pretty much 100% better when we checked her out of school early and took her to Chic-Fil-A:) Funny how that happens!

Hampton and Taylor
Field Day 001
Shooting each other with water
Field Day 003
Bouncy, Bouncy
Field Day 004
Again, shooting each other with water
Field Day 008
Gangsta' Conn-uh
Field Day 011

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
